The data security of the customer values but also our own data security is a great concern for us.

For this reason, we have decided to use blockchain technology for data security.

After intensive research and economic analysis of all available technologies as well as comparison of costs/benefits, we decided to use the Arweave decentralized blockchain, on which we mine our NFT’s via SolSea in the currency SOLANA.

The attached screenshot shows you the global eco-system of SOLANA .

Solana Ecosystem

Data storage on SolSea using the decentralized Arweave blockchain and the Solana payment system offers several advantages. First, the decentralized nature of the Arweave blockchain enables greater security and immutability of stored data compared to centralized systems. In addition, Solana offers fast and cost-effective payment processing, which facilitates the use of NFTs on SolSea. In addition, the combination of Arweave and Solana enables seamless integration of NFTs into the SolSea platform, facilitating and encouraging the creation and trading of digital assets.